Fill Your Heart Up

small simply danLrene Ever thought about what you fill up your life with? We go on a trip, we fill up our vehicles with gas. It is already known that we should eat breakfast and fill up our stomachs before starting the day. so that we have the nutrients to carry us through the morning.  We take care of our bodies with food, baths, supplements, lotions, rest and even things like air conditioning and heat. Just like we take care of our cars with oil changes, brake checks, fluids, gas, tires, etc.

How many of you think about what you fill yourself up with emotionally each morning as the day starts? Are you filling your heart and head with good emotions and good thoughts? Or do you wake up with the unpleasant thoughts of yesterday or the day before still brewing in your minds and carry them into today.?

I wake each morning thankful for what I have and not resenting what I no longer have or can no longer do. I lay there in the semi dark thinking about my faith, my loved ones and how blessed I am to have certain people in my life. I give to God all those things that are not mine to deal with. That is all those things that involve anger, envy, greed, jealousy and other negative emotions. I refuse to let my day be ruined by such emotions.

I listen to music that inspires me and lifts me up. My favorite song is “You Raise Me Up” by Josh Groban. It fills my heart and reminds me of who is in control. This song and others clear my head and remind me to let go of what I can not control and to focus on doing the best I can.

video by Warner Bros. Records

I let go of grievances and forgive for carrying bitterness and anger only hinder me and keep me from filling that part of me with love, joy, patience, and happiness.

When I get ready to sit up, I pull up things to read that uplift me. I avoid Facebook and other social media when I start my day for I am wanting to fuel my heart and soul for the day ahead not fill it full of drama. There is a time for social media later in the day.

What are you fueling yourself with for each day. What can you do besides eat your breakfast and take your vitamins to help enrich your day? What things give you inspiration and motivation so that you face the world each day with enough fuel of emotional uplifting to carry you through any rough spots?

Because of the amount of pain I live with each day, I love things that help take me away from pain, not add more to it. Stress and drama, fighting and fussing, etc all deplete us of the emotional energy we need to face each day. What can you do to start your day with calmness, peace, joy and happiness and that will fill up your emotional tank so that you are not on empty before the day is half over?