Have People Lost All Morals And Honesty??

I write this with such a sad heart. It is about something so close to me as I am disabled and have been since before 1990 and finally was put on disability in 1996.  I have noticed something over the past months about disability and I truly believe that some people in the world have lost their moral compass.

What I am talking about is the number of people claiming and GETTING disability that are not disabled. The number is staggering and shows how easy it is to con the system and take the money. I have heard people say that the government has wasted social security and disability but it is not just the government.  It is those that take it when they are not disabled and could work. A cop-out for an easy way to get a check.

These are news reports and I am so thankful to see the governments of the different countries cracking down on this. It is so wrong and I lose respect for people who lie and cheat and steal and that is what it is. I am going to list some news reports from all over the world. It is not just our country…it is all over that people are defrauding the government.

This link is about a man who for 20 years pretended to be mentally impaired. Family members finally turned him in. Read it here:  http://www.kentreporter.com/news/141960183.html

Another article on it for not only did the man defraud….his family backed him and supported him in this lie and cheating which made them liars and cheaters too. I don’t know what made a family member finally turn them in but big APPLAUSE to the family member.


This next one is in the UK and the man was caught on film proving he was not disabled. They said this about it “The films – shot by Department for Work and Pensions fraud investigator Alan Robinson – all date from a period when Neilly, of Wampool Street, Silloth, was claiming disability benefits on the grounds he could walk no more than 100 metres without feeling severe discomfort, that he always needed somebody beside him in case his legs gave way and that he had difficulty gripping a toothbrush. One DVD clip showed Neilly at a car boot sale, squatting down for several minutes looking at records, before springing to his feet and striding off to his Motability car.’    He was also shown playing golf, bicycling, etc.

Here is the link:  http://www.newsandstar.co.uk/news/golf-playing-disability-fraud-trial-man-sacks-barrister-court-1.931821?referrerPath=/news_round-up_1_50001

The next link is from Greece, where they say 1 in 6 disability claims is a fraud. That just blows me away. First off, I would much rather be working and being productive working if I could,  than to be here in the shape I am in so why would anyone fake or exaggerate their symptoms except to get the money.  What is creating this new breed of people who would rather be dishonorable and take money from the government and from those that are truly disabled?  I wish I knew for it makes me so sad and angry at the same time. It is so wrong and many people don’t care that they are committing fraud. All they care about is the check and trying not to get caught and I don’t get it.


This next one is in France where a woman who said she was disabled and got disability and she was caught on camera coming down a water park slide. They made her repay all and she had to sell her home to do it.


And another who said he was so disabled he needed help dressing….got caught on film.


He made daily visits to the gym and got caught loading boxes into his car.  Thank God for honest people who turn these people in. It makes me sick.

And here is another one that claimed they were disabled and got caught standing up shooting archery for the country and pulling a trailer by hand as he was walking.  This is after he claimed he was so disabled he could not get out of a wheelchair.

“The 64-year-old, who had said he was confined to a wheelchair, has been jailed for nine months after receiving £62,000 in dishonest disability claims.”


And another caught playing golf that claimed to be disabled and needing disability payments. People can be disabled and still work but some claim and get a check because they say they can not work and if they can get out and do things like golf and water slides etc , they could get out and work.


I wish I could figure out what made these people do that but the only reason I can come up with is an easy way to get money that is not theirs. It is stealing….it is dishonest..and in my book immoral.  And one day, they will answer to God as to why they did this if they don’t get caught first. More and more states are cracking down and have investigative departments that are working trying to stop this fraud. One governor I was told decided all on disability needed to be re-evaluated to see if they still qualified.  Chicago has started cracking down on those using handicap placards and I am so glad to see this.


And now if more people will start turning in those that are taking our money and getting disability when they don’t deserve it, maybe the social security and disability part of the budget would straighten out.

Here is another story where the woman claimed she could not walk and was caught skydiving. I just get nauseous every time I read this stuff for it means that because of them….someone who REALLY needs disability payments may not get it.

Disability benefit cheat caught skydiving. (Telegraph)

Clare Jones from Rhondda in Wales fraudulently pocketed over £6,000 in disability benefits because she claimed she couldn’t walk unaided. But the 38 year-old was caught out after benefits officials obtained this video of her taking part in a parachute jump.

The mother of three claimed she could only walk a few metres without crutches, struggled to cook food and suffered chronic back pain. But she was filmed taking part in a charity skydive freefalling from 12,000 feet near Swansea Airport at speeds of 125 mph.

Pontypridd magistrates handed her a 12 week sentence suspended for 12 months. The 38 year-old was told she would have gone to prison without a guilty plea.

The court heard she was caught after an undercover investigation was launched by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) after an anonymous tip-off.

I don’t care what the reason…dishonest, need money, unemployed and having a hard time finding a job, greedy….there is no reason good enough for stealing form the disability fund when you are not truly qualified to get it. Yes, there are flaws in the system and people are getting it when they don’t deserve it but that does not mean that everyone should rip the system off. I was turned in once by a person who was angry at me. I did not mind going in and being rechecked because I knew I was 100 percent disabled.  I am proud to see even family members turning in family members who are faking because that is the only way to stop it.

Greece says that 1 in 6 disability cases is a fraud. That means about 17 out of every 100 that get disability is faking. Does that not set off bells in people’s heads?  Doesn’t sound like much does it?  Well, that means out of 100,000 that 17,000 are faking.  Starting to sound a little more alarming?  How about Lets just go with that figure. 17,000 people say they are drawing $1,000 a month. Just in payments alone that comes to $17,000 a month…204,000 a year and that does not count all the medical and other benefits.  When I hear people say “well it is my money. I paid into Social Security”, I ask them how much did they pay in?  Because by the time a person is on disability and if they live say twenty years, the amount would exceed 200,000 and that is just the check alone and does not include all the medical and other benefits. I don’t think any of us paid that much in. It is time people took seriously this disability thing and quit scamming the government and the people.

“A report prepared by the World Health Organization and the World Bank says that nearly 15 percent of the total number of people alive today are disabled. This equals roughly 785 million people around the world, a staggering number.”  Which means that approximately 130 million could be faking it and taking benefits when they should not be and thank God, more and more of them are getting caught. Does this make you sit up in stunned amazement?  According to one report I read, it said that about 1/3 of the people on disability are fit to work and another ten to twenty percent are in the category of “will be fit to work” after rehab and yet none of them steps up to the plate and does the honest thing and says…you know what, I should not be taking this check.

Yes, the government has misused it but so have the people taking disability when they do not deserve it. I hope this makes some of you really raise your eyebrows and take a second look when you see someone who is supposed to be disabled and you see them out doing things that they should not be able to do if they were truly disabled. And I hope it makes you report them.

This is not a slam on those truly disabled and unable to work. It is about those that take the disability when they know they can work and those that try to defraud the government by lying about what is wrong with them. It has become a racket and I am proud to see states stepping up to investigate and catch these people and make them pay it back. We have problems in all areas from food stamps to welfare and sadly, also in the disability process. I have no respect for anyone that does this and in my book they are a thief, a liar and beneath contempt. They will pay one day for this. The frauds make it harder for those REALLY disabled and cause people to look at all disabled people as if they are fakes. I find that those that fake or exaggerate their symptoms to get disability and then burn up the money for those that are really disabled despicable…that is the only word I can think of. Yes, I am passionate about this. I am disabled and have loved ones who have health issues that should put them on disability and yet they won’t apply. They keep pushing themselves to work while others will pretend and take the money. That could be the money that my child needs in a few years or your child or your spouse. Don’t let these fakes get away with it.

36 thoughts on “Have People Lost All Morals And Honesty??

  1. Deb you are on the right side and that is all that matters. I wish there was a way to stop the ones who are on the wrong side of the law. There are so many cameras that there should be a way to catch many of them. They get comfortable and forget. Then the other thing that gets me is when they have a friend or a family member with a disabled with a handicap tag to use so they can park closer to the store or anywhere. Wrong. The person dies as my son did and the sticker is good for several years so they still use it and no one checks.

  2. You might be phusically disabled but you have a giant of a mind. You write clear, precise and to the point. I love to read your blog. Jim Finn/thoughts of an old man

  3. Pingback: Have People Lost All Morals And Honesty?? « Work the Dream « Estherlou's Blog

  4. Pingback: Thoughts and musings « Dr. Sherry E. Showalter – "Keepin It Real"

  5. A powerful post my friend; one that will resonate to many, and probably even be shared with those who are in fact manipulating a system that is in fact broken… I have worked with many throughout the years, those who are sick, near death as they were denied benefits. Appeal after appeal, having to seek attorneys to fight on their behalf from their beds to receive benefits, the emotional tolls affecting their disease, the impact on familiies patients horrendous, yet others can and do scam the system. I’m not sure about some of the previous posts nor the references made, but one thing is certain, I have witnessed first hand what you are writing about… And have stood with you and many before you as their health deteriorated, as their faith was tried and their emotional/spiritual/physical foundation crumbled and yet we see many who manipulate canes, systems and docs walking away in complete glee having won.
    The Creator and the karma bus will roll up at some point…
    Yet those with HIV/AIDS back in the day, went without secondary to judgment, secondary to good Christians who were not accepting nor compassionate but rather wanted to judge while others walked in pain and shame as they attempted to get medical, spiritual, emotional and disability services.
    We are all connected by the Universal Oneness and all bleed red;
    yet few step up or stand up when they see wrong, nor lend a hand nor share their loaf of bread.

    Thank you for the post… 100% disabled in body, yet 110%abled and taking over you are not your disease, you are a beautiful and generous woman of great spirit and for that I am grateful for you.

    • Such true words you say sherry and I knew you would understand at a depth that many do not from your work. Yes many will take that check and use it and do so with no conscience and that is sad. I believe in standing up for what is right. Many will say oh that is not Christian but Christ himself stood up for what was right. God expects us to do our part in this world. hugs friend and thanks for all your words and inspiration.

  6. Great post Deb! This goes on far too often……even here in Canada. It’s funny (actually, it’s not funny) to watch people who use the handicapped parking spaces at the local mall jump out of their van and “run” into the store. The sticker on their windshield claims they are handicapped but it’s quite apparent they’re not. A lot of people use these stickers on their windshields in order to get a front row parking spot at the mall. Unfortunately, they ruin it for those who really do need that spot. Needless to say, these idiots often given “the stinky eye” by those of us who know they’re scamming the system. I’ve seen fights break out in the parking lots – sometimes a brave soul will question their disability and force them to prove it. Kudos to those who stand up to these idiots.

  7. It’s actually quite hard to qualify for disability in Australia, and while I abhor the scammers who will always try and rip off the system, I for one wish that disability pensions paid more, and gave more access to services as it is usually those with disabilities who need help the most.
    A great post!
    Hugs and love to you

  8. amen, sister. We have a society that has a welfare mentality. They want to be taken care of. You are absolutely right! Where is the moral compass.

  9. OMG Deb, this is a fantastic and much needed post – and the statistics are staggering. If you had sharing buttons on this post, I would tweet it and post it on Facebook, because I think it’s that important to share.

    When I think of what people like us, who are legitimately disabled, have to go through to get even the most simple chores and errands accomplished; how much pain and resultant physical difficulties we go through to get anything done at all … the thought of those taking advantage of the system just sickens me.

    I desperately needed to run errands today; I needed to do things that I can’t ask a stranger to do for me, and needed to pick up some necessities as well. I didn’t have the strength to get everything done, but I did the most important ones. Then I had to make a decision – do I carry more bags up 20 steps to my apartment in less trips, meaning that even though the bags are as light as I could make them the total weight is heavier, or do I make more trips up those stairs with only l bag at a time? One bag has only milk – I simply can’t manage if anything else is in the bag. I know that even with pain meds and a rest, I’m going to be hurting more for the next few days and will not be able to do much of anything. I simply hurt too much.

    How could anyone wish to ‘pretend’ that they are disabled, to have to go through this and make these kinds of decisions about every single moment of their lives, every day of their lives? I loved my job, and if there were any way that I could still be doing that job, I would be doing it. My body may be broken, but I have far too much pride and gratitude for the blessings that I do have to ever take desperately needed financial assistance from those who really qualify for it.

    Sorry, I really needed to rant after reading your post. Bless you, Deb, for speaking out – because more of us need to do that. ~ Love, Julie xoxox

    • I am glad you like the post Julie. It IS something I am passionate about. The problem is they don’t want to have to deal with what we deal with Julie..they just want the money and then go on their merry way living their lives. To them it is just a way to get a check. If they had to deal with the pain and suffering we do, they would never attempt it. Julie, the only thing I can say is their moral compass is broken. I felt the same way about working. I was a teacher…actually won awards for my teaching and loved teaching the little kids. I did not want to quit and this is not my chosen life. It is the one I deal with but when I look at my son with MS and see the health issues he has and he choses not to go on disability cause he says he knows he can still work right now, it makes me angry to think that the day he needs it may be gone because those not really disabled used it up. Hugs friend.

  10. That makes me angry as well. The whole system is broke, they need to scrap it and start over. It should be there for people who NEED it, not for healthy, able-bodied people who don’t want to work.

  11. Hi danLrene , yes I agree with you there will always be a few that will somehow rip off the System by seeking to deceive, but most of the Disabled are not doing this and I repeat most Disabled are not doing this, for one thing you don’t just get classified as Disabled because you feel like you want to be ..it is after x-rays, ultrasounds, and or Doctors who are in agreement that you are Disabled and need further help. No Doctor would risk faking it for you, because if found out they could loose their licence to Practice or be heavily fined, anyway their not in the business of ripping off the System it doesn’t pay them to be.

    For many years I wouldn’t even admit that I was as disabled as I was but after sitting in the Shopping mall crying because I couldn’t walk any further I had to give in and seek help. The disabled are not jumping over the moon because they find that they are not like others who are well, but we have to accept the good with the bad in life and look forward for a better tomorrow .

    People often put down the disabled as a whole claiming they are rorting the system but we cannot judge anyone unless we have walked in their shoes. I applied for a Job with a Employment Agency for disabled they never contacted me again because of my age, I volunteered to work with the aged they didn’t want me because I was disabled. I have been abused, sworn at , had things thrown at me and had articles stolen off my Mobility Scooter, the headrest, Jumpers , hat, walking stick. Yes sadly there are those who are so insecure in themselves they have to point the finger critically at others and put them down as people of worth, not that we have to agree with the rubbish that some people say and do, but it takes Character to consider others with respect and kindness.

    Christian Love from both of us – Anne

    • Unfortunately quite a few are faking it Anne because pain is easy for people to pretend to have and a doctor does not know for sure. There is a large number that do and it is sad. Just look at the statistics. But it IS a fact and they are catching more and more. Sad to say…some will always lack the morals and will take the check. I have seen people pretend to not be able to walk unless they had a can and one person in particular back east as soon as she got her disability made the statement to all that oh good, now she get get rid of that dang cane.
      And I have been reading on the stings on doctors who have been doing fraud showing people as disabled or in need of long term care when they did not need it.This is a sad side effect of having something so big that they can’t control what happens. It is an ongoing problem.
      And no it is not always after xrays, ultrasounds, etc that people get disability. Some people use things xrays don’t show like pain to say they are disabled.
      My post is not intended to put anyone down that is disabled and I said that it was no slam on the truly disabled…it is to out those that fake and fraud and my eyes have been opened a lot lately researching this and this IS an ongoing problem. Considering with respect and kindness is one thing, being blind to what some are doing to our system is another. Read the links Anne and there are more. I did not post them all. This was not an attack on the truly Disabled but on those that pretend their symptoms are much worse and deliberately set out to defraud the government and the people. If we don’t stand up for what is right in life then we only have ourselves to blame when there is no more social security disability fund.
      I too have had ugly things said and done but the truth of the matter is…I KNOW I am disabled and nothing anyone else says can change that.
      Christian Love back to you. Just remember that Jesus turned over the table of the theives in the temple. So standing up is not wrong.

      • Hi again danLrene , as I said and I am referring to Australia, being on a Disability Pension is not as easy as many people think, you don’t just get classified as Disabled because you feel like you want to have a pension ..it is after x-rays, ultrasounds, and more then one Doctor at least 2 and sometimes 3 who must be in agreement that you are Disabled and need further help.

        Now there is a few ways I know of ripping off the system but if caught there are very heavy fines and you are bared from all forms of Social Security in the future including aged.

        One is forging a Doctors Medical Certificate, it is risky because they may check with the Doctor. Most have to be undergo a yearly Check up x-rays, ultrasounds, and Doctors in agreement to continue receiving benefits. I’m chronic which means I will not get better so mine is every 5 years but I still have to be monitored on a regular basis, I see the Doctor for injections and check up fortnightly.

        The other way is through a dishonest Doctor who for money will give you a phony Medical certificate using other peoples tests, in our Country they would be very foolish because of the harsh penalties they would loose their licence for a start.

        I really don’t seek to judge others disabilities, True or false, because if they are ripping of the system they are disabled in Character and it will bring it’s own reward …what you reap you sow.

        Christian Love from both of us – Anne

      • Oh an Anne…here in the states…they check them every 7 years to get renewal and it is NOT going through all the tests again. That is why it is so easy. 🙂 so hopefully they will be tightening up.

      • Sorry to hear that darLrene a lot can happen in 7 years but it is sad that the Disabled are given a bad name because of them.

        I was wondering darLrene why you keep modering my comments ?

        Kind regards Anne

      • Anne, I moderate all comments, not just yours. I have some come on and be ugly on the page and being as sick as I am. Saves me from having ugliness all of the page and me having to keep such a close watch.

      • Thanks for explaining danLrene why you moderate, I have found some Bloggers just as nasty, they delete comments and block you because you don’t agree with them, when I Blog in Australia we reason together, anyway good to know that is not your reason, we need to Trust each other.

        I missed your comments about Jesus before…. He was not as worried about the dishonety with the money as He was with them polluting God’s house which is a for Prayer… dishonesty and prayer do not go together.

        Christian Love Anne.

      • no they don’t go together and dishonesty in anything in a Christian life does not go together…and that is what happens when people pretend to be disabled. I am proud that your country is so strict. Ours is not and many are on disability that could be working and fortunately they are finding that out and working now to catch them.
        your statement is a contradiction..he was not worried about the dishonesty with the money and then dishonesty and prayer don’t go together. He was worried about them being corrupt in God’s house. Is called righteous indignation. And that is what I feel when I see people suffering because they can’t get on disability and are truly disabled and then I see those that are faking like the links and getting it.

      • I think you misunderstood me danLrene, I was quoting in reference to what Jesus said it came as no shock to Him that they were dishonest, such is the evil flesh nature, that is why we as Christians have to put it to death. What He was angry about was they were polluting His Fathers house with their dishonesty.

        It does not surprise me either that their are dishonest people or those who hurt others but when they claim to be Christians and do this, they are polluting God’s family.

        Christian Love Anne

      • I think I did not say it clearly. It really does not matter precisely why he was knocking the table over other than he was standing up for what is right…not polluting God’s house. That is how I feel about standing up for disability..standing up for what is right and against those that are polluting the system. 🙂 thanks

      • Good on you danLrene, I too believe in standing up for injustice and especially God’s Truth even thoúgh it is rejected and me too, they try to explain it away or ignor it or even twist it but some listen and seeds are planted even if not accepted at this time so I continue.

        Christian Love Anne

      • Anne, it surely is sad that the disabled get a bad name because of the fakes. Why they need to be stopped from getting disability. I see the rulings here in the states starting to change and they are investigating them and so I am happy to see that.

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