Happy Father’s Day

Simply danLrene signia


a very special Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there, to all the grandfather’s and uncles who stepped up to be the Dad to their grandchildren or nephews, to all the men who stepped up to be the Dad to children not their own in a marriage and to all the Mothers who stepped up to be both mom and Dad to their children.

happy Father's Dayimage from dv-svleopoldmandic.hr

The job you do is often under appreciated, taken for granted and very hard but just remember there is no greater gift that you can give a child than to be their father.

father-vs-dad-quoteimage from lessonsoflovefrommyfather.wordpress.com146 × 199

Also a special shout out to all those Dads in the military who are not able to be with their children on this special day. Know that your sacrifice for our country is seen and appreciated from our house to you.

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