The Reader Appreciation Award

I have been presented the The Reader Appreciation Award! by Jueseppi He has an awesome blog and I hope you all will go and look and like it. He is a champion for those who are mistreated, for women, for those abused, for that which is wrong. And he presents it in such an open and honest way. Thank you Jueseppi. As always, you touch my heart.

The rules are:

1. List six nominations
2. Link the Award Image back to the one who presented it to you.

My nominations for  The Reader Appreciation Award! are:

 I hope you will take the time to go and look at their blogs and support them. Their pages are absolutely wonderful and inspiring.

15 thoughts on “The Reader Appreciation Award

  1. Pingback: Reader Appreciation Award, thank you so much Horty! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Reader Appreciation Awards « Femination

  3. Pingback: I’ve Been Nominated for the Reader Appreciation Award « Wyoming Life

  4. Pingback: A Big Thanks For The Awards Received – allaboutlemon

  5. Pingback: Reader Appreciation Award « Dr. Sherry E. Showalter – "Keepin It Real"

  6. Congratulations on your lovely award! And thank you for the opportunity to check out some new blogs, as well. 🙂

  7. Thanks so much Dan…this is such a wonderul honor. I have a long list of awards that I need to acknowledge and aceept and will plan a post soon. Your blog is always filled with such honest and wise insights. I congratulate you for this well-deserved award. You are appreciated! RL

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