Dandelions and Roses

dandelionimage from www.geolocation.ws

Dandelions and Roses

Feet padding on moss covered ground

Eyes looking for beauty all around

Little eyes sparkling with glee

dropping down on bended knee

reaching out to touch the top

something in her made her stop

told once that it is just a weed

Beautiful roses are what you need

Who makes the rules she wonders aloud

Feeling the shadow of a crossing cloud

Beauty lies there for all to love and see

It only requires letting your mind be free

The hardest lands have blues, greens and reds

wildflowers everywhere in pretty natural beds

Roses slowly loose their bloom and beautiful hue

But the colors remain on mountains covered in dew

My ancestors walked this land and knew we are one

One with all that lives on this land shined on by  the sun

No matter how you looked, the view was grand

That is until others started taking all the land

Roses need human touch to survive and grow

The earth only requires us to look and enjoy the show

Reaching out a small hand to the dandelion she saw

A beautiful art pieces that only nature can draw



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